My last apologies

My last apologies
It was just another kiss that I threw at your old door
My old dreams
My broken memories
And a small comma in the wolf innocence of my blood,

It was never meant
I am trying to return to the starting point, the first stab
Circle immersed with anxiety knives and absence nails,

Courtship profession ..
And blowing empty kisses in the air,
We have grown too much about selling our dreams with a piece of candy.

Maybe it’s more than a sense of guilt!
I already felt you,
And I had never told you that my shirt couldn’t fit more than two,
Well … I had never known this before,
Only your eyes are treacherous in my last poem
So whisper to me …
The only one who finds you and does not find me
Whenever I try to forget you, I forget you

نُشر بواسطة fawzipp

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من خلال سرد لبعض الكلمات ان فتحي موظف في ادارة عمومية و انتمي الى عائلة تنتمي الى الوسط العائلي المحافظ و المعتدل من تلمسان عاصمة الزيانيين بالجزائر

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